Magick is a Sentient Entity: Using the Imagination to Co-Create with Magick
Magick cannot help but be influenced by our consciousness, and us by it. The sentient entity of magick is a creature whose body is energy and is everywhere. Until we notice it, it is invisible. But as soon as we attune to it, even just IMAGINE it, we start to notice how pervasively it permeates everything.
We are always doing magick (co-creating with its omnipresent energy to shape the experience of life). “Doing” magick refers to times when we make this ongoing process conscious.
Note: Life is magick. And since life can be experienced in countless ways, so can magick. This is just one possible lens.
Even the act of attuning to the FELT PRESENCE of magick (however you experience it) is magickal in itself. No “doing” is necessarily required. The attuning to magick’s energy (the energy of life) is the primary ingredient.
From that place, you can simply rest in it, follow its flow, or mindfully influence its flow. Or combine all three of those approaches at once!
What role does the imagination play with magick?
The imagination is often thought of as unreal. The parent who tells the sensitive child: “Your friends are imaginary. They’re not real, sweetie!” Contrarily, the imagination and daydreaming can both be valid ways of tapping into information that is not apparent in the physical world.
There’s a bajillion ways that imagination can be a magickal tool. Here are two:
Imaginal AVENUE #1: Gleaning the Unseen
Images (or other sensory input) delivered by the imagination into consciousness are presenting information to us. If we’re not taught how to attune to these informational, energetic avenues, we may believe they don’t exist or aren’t important—but they do exist and they are important! And our awareness of them can be developed in any moment. Right now! Right where you are as you’re reading this!
Example: You are talking to a friend and being present with them, their words, and the raw data of their energetic, somatic presence. As they share with you, an image comes to mind. Maybe you understand it, maybe you don’t. You share the image with your friend. Their eyes widen. They tell you that the image visually articulates exactly what they were thinking but hadn’t yet said.
Part of the learning process for this practice is discerning which impressions are about me and my stuff and which impressions are giving information about the other person. If, for example, I’m giving a tarot reading, it helps if I am able to let my identity take a backseat for a bit so that I can better witness the other person and discern the information and impressions that are relevant to them.
Also! I’m a visually person and more receptive and responsive to visual stimuli (e.g. the imagery of the mind’s eyes), so that is the avenue I wrote about. These psychic streams of other-dimensional data are accessible through all of the senses, including the amorphous sense of intuitive knowing. Notice the ways of sensing toward which you are most inclined. Listen to those.
Imaginal Avenue #2: Birthing from the ether
Rather than picking up on something already manifest and occurrent, the imagination can enable us to pick up on a potentiality waiting around in the unmanifest ether. In this way, imagination acts as a conduit by which unmanifest potentialities can be recognized, felt, and then, if we choose, brought into the dimensions of manifestation and energetic, visceral experience.
This can take any form. A painting or sculpture. A relationship. A job or action in the physical world. An invention. Anything!
In this approach, imagination functions as a bridge that allows our consciousness to access the (as yet) Unknown and cull it forth into the world of the Known.
What about you?
Any paragraph from this article could be an article in itself. What would you like to hear more about? What thoughts does it inspire in you? Let me know in the comments.